More from Bangkok…

Went on a run this morning which is pretty hairy. Ended up on a back road and made eye contact with a street dog. It belongs to a family but I attracted the attention of 3 other dogs and that one growled and followed me. The owners were really nice and came out to yell at the dog. They stayed out until I was gone. I definitely attract more attention here than in guangzhou since this is not an expat community.

Passing a wet Market I saw a Buddhist monk giving prayers. I watched and it seems very ritualistic and respectful.

Back at the hotel we ran a boot camp style workout with the kids then let them swim for while. Here is the view from the swimming pool.

And through the bushes there is another great view of Bangkok.

We just got word we have a flight out this afternoon. Yeah. We are running out of clothes! There has been a lot of wind and rain there and students were sending video of glass subdued shattered from flying debris. I am sure there is probably school tomorrow.