Between vacations… Or a vacation break?

After Christmas break we were back in school for 3 weeks. With such a short time, it s crazy trying to get teaching, IB labs, formatives/summatives in begore our next big break : Chinese new year. I will have to stay here one time just to participate in the celebrations. But this year I will split my time between Thailand and Laos.

My friend Daniel came to visit and we were able to find some of the markets I had wanted to find. The qingping markets are on sets of streets and are a great way to find bargains.

Yes. Those are scorpions. Below is alligator legs. We saw pretty much everything out in the market.

Dried mushrooms, herbs, and teas. I also loved the area around apartments and the buildings.

The signs were especially interesting here in China :

I also participated in a hike on Baiyun mountain with my friend Nicole with a K2Fit event. It was off the beaten path and had some really tough vertical walks. But it was beautiful.

Best of all is the new food places I am finding. Noodle soups are still the best.

I also finally ate at traveler kitchen that I had passed many times and never stopped at. Exceptional food.

A great way to start vacation!