Elephant park day two

We awoke to elephants and dogs making noises because they know they will be fed soon.

After breakfast, we loaded packs with watermelon and banana to walk to the outer area where the family we are to feed is.

Once we arrived it was time to feed.

Here is a video of feeding the elephants :

We then learned about how they are working to stop local parks from bad practices. They bring in their own people for free and set up a program to show how they can make money and be humane to elephants. After the owners see a different way they look at the animals differently. Slowly they are making progress. It is easy to tell when an elephant is happy. Their tail moves from side to side and their ears flap.

Our tour guide was Apple. She said there are also 600 dogs and 400 cats here.

She explained how animal herds get along and their mannerisms. They are amazing animals. They are like every other mammal species. You have the trouble makers and those who just don’t get along. You also have those that want to help each other and be a friend.

We also watched a vet administer medicine to an injured one. He stepped on a landmine and the wound needs cleaned twice a day.

The mahout teaches her how to put the foot up. The reward is food. You can tell it still hurts and it has been 20 years.

The mahout is chosen by the elephant and gains its trust and can sense love. No one is assigned an elephant. There are 7 mahouts for the family we fed. Since an elephant eats 10% of its body weight, it eats 18 hours a day. Food has to be delivered overnight and they light fires to keep the older ones warm at night. Sometimes they must see the elephant every 2 to 3 hours. They do care for the elephants who chose them as a mahout. They are carrying, patient, and steady.

This was an amazing visit. A great relaxing way to start vacation!