Elephant park again (this place is just awesome)

I am actually sad I left here. So peaceful.

After feeding the herd this morning we learned of how the mahout will report to the vet about the physical and psychological well-being of their elephant. One in particular needs extra nutrition and so we made rice balls with very ripe banana and other grains mixed in them til then to feed her. This is an older elephant that does not have many teeth left.

We also fed another younger elephant that is not drinking enough and it’s feces is dry and tough to pass. She needed another snack of peeled watermelon to help. Sorry no pictures as of hand were quite messy.

While we were feeding we saw again the one elephant that is not happy in any group yet is happy to be by herself. You can tell by her behavior that she is happy (ears flapping and tall wagging).

While having a siesta on the patio, we saw another elephant across the river that is so traumatized by the past abuse she is visibly upset and can be unpredictable in behavior. The park keeps them separate for safety while they work on gaining trust. An elephant that moves her head and trunk from side to side is not happy.

I also said goodbye to as many cats, dogs, goats, and water buffalo (they tolerate being close but not contact).

Water buffalo bathing. Poor joy!

We had a great lunch away from the compound overlooking the herd we had fed.

On the way back I liked the sticker on the van.

No goats, weapons, attacking others, dogs, alcohol, durian!!!, smoking. Love the signs here in Asia!