Alexandria, Christmas day

We hired a driver to go to Alexandria. We almost cancelled the trip because of the rain that was forecast. Here there is no drainage on the roads and dangerous flooding has been known to happen. There was rain and some areas that had standing water. It definitely took longer to get there.

At a rest stop I’m always on the lookout to try something different. I found paprika Pringles and basil seed drink. The Pringles are fantastic and the drink much tastes like a chia seed drink but the taste of basil seed.

We started at the Catecombs of Kom El Shuqafa. You can see Roman, Greek and Egyptian culture as some statues are Egyptian in style with Roman clothes and hair. The circular staircase was used to transport deceased bodies down the middle and leads down into the tombs. They were constructed in 200 AD. It was discovered in 1900 when a donkey accidentally fell into the access shaft.

Outside the burial chamber.
Inside the vault are carvings that served as protectors of the dead.
Tombs. Originally this was designed for a single family but it was said that horse remains were also found here.
This is a wardian tomb.
Inside a Tigran tomb. There is a front room, back room, and open court that is found inside the tomb. This was unearthed elsewhere in Alexandria and reconstructed here.
Stone with carvings of the burial process.

Next was the library at Alexandria. On the way I noticed there are still Radio Shack’s around!

The library in Alexandria is one of the largest collection of all media in the world. They had many artifacts on display and interactive exhibits throughout.

A piece of the Kiswah of the Kaaba

Downstairs is an antiquities museum.

Egyptian alphabet.
Egyptian god of the moon which is a blending of a baboon and an Ibis.
The top of sarcophagus of a child.
The torso of Hercules. There is incredible detail in the muscles.
Ancient sundial for tracking time by placing it facing the South to catch the sun’s rays. This is from 2000 BC.
The heads of the Canopic jars that held the internal organs. Imsety had a human head and carried and protected the liver. Qebehsenuf had a falcon’s head and carried and protected the intestines. Hapy had the head of a baboon and carried and protected the lungs. Duamatef had the head of a jackal and carried and protected the stomach.
This Mosaic is from the original library. It shows exceptional detail including the expression on the dog.

They also had art displays throughout the basement leading to an exhibit is Anwar Sadat.

Next we went to the citadel. There is a Greek restaurant called White and Blue that is a block away. You choose your own fish to be butterflied and grilled. It was delicious. We chose bluefish from the Mediterranean and a red fish from the Red Sea. It is not cheap but worth it.

Tahini, tzaziki, baba ganoush, seafood chowder.
We ate on the balcony overlooking the Mediterranean.
The outside of the citadel which has a lighthouse. Unfortunately it closed for the day right before I got there. Go early if you want to see it on your travels.