The gods visit us disguised as strangers.
After purchasing a hop on hop off tour I decided to walk to the acropolis as it is close to my hotel and the first stop where your ticket must be activated. Along the way there are spectacular sights.

I arrived early and explored the hill of the muses that is near there.

There are many places to visit on the hill but most pictures just look like any national park. This actually is an area where people bring their dogs in the morning for a walk. Beautiful trails and a lovely place to walk and enjoy nature.
The Acropolis
This ancient citadel dates back to the 5th century BC.

The Parthenon.

National Archaeological museum
The museum is huge and has many antiquities.

The Benaki museum
This museum is beautiful and houses cultural artifacts from Greece.

After the museum I wandered back to the acropolis to pick up a bus to the Riviera area.

Views from the bus tour along the Riviera beaches. I met a kind Egyptian man on the bus ride. He lives in Virgina and we talked about living in different places. If I would have known that where I was headed to eat would give me food poisoning I would have continued with the conversation with him on three next bus. But my hotel read close by…