Despite having intestinal issues overnight and lack of sleep, I believed I was getting better and decided to continue with my planned cruise. Once arrived I wasn’t feeling great and saw how packed the general compartments are. It is worth the money to pay double for the VIP lounge which I did.

The island of Aegeana.
From the Apollon which is 5ooo BC older than the Parthenon.

Pistachio trees are the biggest produce from this island as well as olives. These are pistachio trees.

Peloppoinase mountains on Athens with snow.

Mother of aegenae statue.

Monastery on the island is just beautiful.

Zeus and Aegaena were in love but she needed to be hidden away. Their son is Ercos who became the first ruler. Zeus made inhabitants of the island out of ants as the legend goes. Hercules is the most famous Greek from this island.

We were to visit hydros which is a small beautiful island but tough ranges made docking impossible. At least it was calmer than the day before which caused the tour to be cancelled.
The island of Poros
The next island was a chance to walk around and visit shops. I bought a pair of silver post earrings in spirals which is good luck in Greece. Here are some views of walking around which I was able to do after drinking ginger ale unsuccessfully which gave me a little time before the next wave of sickness.

A rough day. I slept about 4 hours of the trip and made many trips to a bathroom but still glad I went as it was nice to walk in the sunshine in such a beautiful place! I will have to come back when it is warmer and hopefully not feeling poorly.