On the last weekend in June, we traveled several hours on the bus to go to camp on an island on the other side of Shenzhen. I really don’t like camping but the opportunity to swim, snorkel, and paddleboard was worth it.

We had a great lunch along the way and celebrated the birthday of one of my friends, Tricia.

The water was terrific. The paddleboard had kayak paddles so I did not stand up on it as the paddle was not long enough.

We camped along the beach.

We caught barnacles and crabs. The crew cooked food on the beach.



There were plenty of places to explore and many resort buildings were abandoned. The history of the island was that of a place for pirates and smugglers.

The big thing that was hard to see was the amount if plastic pollution. It did not just all wash up there. It was obvious people who were here earlier just dropped their trash. The people who run the camping area really should have a system and more concern for the environment. There was a lot of trash in the ocean when snorkeling.

A good time was had by all. There was karaoke at night, games and camaraderie by day.