For a day trip Jack and I went to Yinde to a little village that has a park nearby with a tea plantation. Of course I love to eat….so trying different foods was a highlight.
The first thing we did was go to lunch and this eggplant dish was amazing. It was slightly acidic and not sweet. So very yummy. We also had greens with bamboo!

After lunch we went to view the park. The first one was just a series of paths and was not very excited about it, except for the beautiful scenery. And then we saw….

But then we saw the pond with the bamboo boats. I have been on a bamboo boat raft but never had the chance to pilot my own. It was actually very difficult and took a lot of arm strength until you realized you could lean into the pole and use your body weight which was still quite the workout. I also tried not to knock Jack off the boat swinging the pole around. I must say it was a great arm workout.

We walked the rest of the park and saw a settlement who on land next to the park. (The entrance fee to the park does help the village as it is community owned). Here is the persons dwelling.

We followed the cows as they walked adjacent to the paths.

Just the man and his dog…

The village temple….

The little temple that pays homage to the mountain

We then headed to the Tea plantation park. Walking through it was very beautiful. We also tasted the red tea which was very good. i bought some of the red tea. I also wanted to buy a tea plant but was very sure I would kill it (actually my cat as he loves to tear plants apart and drag them through the apartment.)

The tea plantation plants their tea plants on terraces along the mountainsides.

We stopped at another spot to look at the scenery. There was another temple erected by the village.

The formations are many of the same as seen in other areas.

This cave had bats which were fun to watch darting in and out of the stalactites.

Dinner was at a different restaurant with steamed eggs, tofu skins, and greens. The drink is apple vinegar. It is a fermented apple juice drink that is vinegar tasting but still slightly sweet from the apple juice.

It was nice to get away for a day close to the city but be able to walk in some wilderness and see new sights and eat different food. On the way back to Guangzhou we see many crazy things, including a Pikachu car!