After a three hour school meeting on Saturday morning (it was a great meeting), I took a long walk around the favourview neighborhood while Jack made plans for sightseeing further south. The plan was to meet my friend Morgana for trivia that night at a restaurant/bar called the GOAT in Panyu. I had been promising her for some time. Since it is an hour away we needed other things to do.
Jack suggested Nansha which is a place I have wanted to go for some time. We headed to the gardens. Walking into the garden is a canal flanked by restaurants. We stopped for a late lunch. Women and children were dressing in traditional costumes for their photos to be taken.

We ate stinky tofu (it has a fermented smell but the taste is no different). We also had sour noodles.

These lovely women were kind to let me have their picture taken with them.

Down by the shore there is a beach but only to play in the sand. There is no swimming.

Near the beach I saw a robot in a vending machine for ice cream and a few simple drinks. Of course we needed to order ice cream just to see how it works.
We walked along to Nanling tower. I am always amazed how the tree roots grow here.

The statue of the goddess is to protect the harbor and the fishermen.

The two temples can be seen and you get there after ascending a fair amount of stairs. The Pagoda is further up to the right.

Outside the entry gate house are two lions standing at the ready. Inside are two gods that can hear and see 1000 km and are protectors from enemies.

They were setting off firecrackers from donations of others to the temple.

We climbed the first set of stairs to the first temple.

We climbed more stairs to the second temple. There we saw statues of great generals who battled at sea.

At the top of the next set of stairs was the pagoda and an arsenal that protected the port.

Entrance to the artillery bunker and cannon.

The big gun. We walked one other trail that led to another bunker and very large cannon.

We should know that a path that is quickly being grown over is not being used. The path was blocked at the bottom and we had to scale down a steep embankment. It was a better alternative to climbing all the steps again.

At the bottom there was a pond with not only fish but turtles. They are a delicacy here in this part of the world but think they are safe here.

A snack of Buffalo milk yogurt with ginger. Also red bean warm dessert.

At the GOAT, we were in first place after the first round on 80’s trivia but skipped after the others especially Pixar movies. A good weekend!