As the summer was approaching we started making plans for travel. Beijing and Tibet were both places I wanted to go. Beijing was free to travel to but had cases from time to time until now. Tibet was just now opening for travel. And then….
There was a covid case in the Liwan district where there are many elderly who like to get together for activities and dim sum on a daily basis. Add to that relaxing of mask wearing and people who would not get vaccinated, and the one case became dozens. It really bothered me that Chinese people would not get the vaccine in the numbers that foreigners were. They felt safe as there were no cases and those that came in from abroad were Chinese nationals coming home who were quarantined. For a culture that embraced masks and was scared of the virus, I couldn’t fathom the lack of wont for the vaccine.
This started rounds of mass testing in two districts where there were cases. That expanded eventually to every district where multiple tests were required within a week.
As cases increased our finals were canceled which made it difficult to keep student attention as no more grades were to be collected. We thought it possible school would just cancel then but it didn’t.
You could see tents set up every half block and each apartment complex were assigned to a specific site. I was tested twice in a week despite being vaccinated. Yes, I know I could still carry the virus despite being vaccinated but really energy should be put into mass vaccinations.

The health code app we used to travel was now being used to enter everywhere including transportation. Now opening the app brought dread hoping the green code did not turn yellow overnight. That happens when you were in an area where an infected person was found. It required two more tests with 72 hours. Unfortunately that happened to colleagues who weren’t sure exactly where or with who they came in contact.

Jack and I went to a couple five star hotels over the weekend to have some sense of vacation, staying at the Sofitel first. A Russian restaurant I like is just around the corner and the bathtub was marvelous.

The next day we checked into the Grand Hyatt. I’m glad we enjoyed the pool and the executive lounge before they closed it. All pools and lounges were ordered closed across the city.

We finished out that next week of school. I still reviewed with the 9th graders as next year builds on that material. The IB bio kids had plenty to do as I have them for two years. We made plans to still have another week of school but at the end of the weekend was the announcement that students were done and teachers were to report to school Monday and Tuesday. A strange and abrupt end to the school year. Students at least received yearbooks but the awards assembly was virtual and the field day canceled.

In most districts all dining is suspended and food can only be ordered takeaway. In my district of Tianhe, dine in is still possible but at 50% capacity.
We could still walk around parks and mountains.

I had planned on going to Shenzhen to the beach as a last minute weekend holiday. Unfortunately, that city decided not to allow people coming from Guangzhou to go to the beach. Understandable but disappointing.
Instead we went to a nearby lake as a group. The village rents the spaces to people who want to spend an afternoon. It was a fun trip and I was able to spend time with friends from other schools I have not seen in awhile.

Some people who test positive are kept in hospitals and those that are contact traced are held elsewhere. There are some construction workers who needed to be quarantined and they are being held near construction sites.
I’m still going to try to go to Beijing. I also have two leadership classes at the end of the month. We will see what July brings…