For the three day dragon boat weekend I headed to the beach! Normally I would be paddling a DragonBoat but it has been cancelled again …
We hired a car to go what should have been a 3.5 hour trip, but 6.5 hours later we finally arrived. At least we had snacks and my friend’s dog to keep us company! I have not been able to travel with Michael and Amber for over a year. They were great buddies for travel in 2020. My friend Fran also joined us.

Some of the traffic snarls were accidents but others were people stopping to give their child a bathroom break. I think moving over to the shoulder is more appropriate or at least placing the child between you and the car….

Finally we arrived and went to check out the beach. A negative 48 hour COVID test was required to enter the village. No one was allowed to enter otherwise.

Our dinner included scallops, oysters, clams, and mussels.

The hotel allowed dogs and was pretty decent for a Chinese hotel. Some things have me scratch my head….

The village temple

The next morning I went for a run. The village was small but beautiful to look at parts of the village. This village charges to enter the beach and the prices of food are more expensive, but we are far from a city and the village takes great care with their spaces to maintain a clean and nice beach.

We noticed that the old village was being destroyed. I had heard that sewage used to be dumped into the sea and the government put a stop to it some time ago. China is looking to expand tourism and provide money for updating the villages.

On the beach we ate the hummus and veggies we brought with us and spent the day enjoying the sea air.

To keep sun off you, go into the water with an umbrella!

Fish for dinner!

On the last day, we could not go back to the beach as our COVID test was after 72 hours. Never mind the fact that we did not leave the village at all….
Crazy rules here in China.

love your adventure stories and photos Louise. It helps take me back to all that wonderful craziness. China sure teaches that you must accept the things you can’t change ( and recognize them when you see them! )