Our first place to visit was Tongling Canyon. There were several checkpoints and the road was along a river where you could see much barbed wire. We were right along the border to Vietnam.

The canyon was average with a waterfall. It was great to be in nature. The rain which was heavy earlier stopped as we began the hike. After 4km of walking the highlight was walking behind the waterfall. Of course we were not supposed to be there. It was roped off as a lot of rain made it too dangerous to go behind…..

A butterfly was intent to stay landed on my leg and feet….. I’m easily amused.

After lunch at a nearby restaurant, we headed to Detian Waterfall. It is on the border between China and Vietnam.

We waved at people across the river and they waved back! So exciting…. It was sad as we all want to visit other countries but can’t… We really miss that.

An end of the day dip in the pool, barbeque, and beer rounded out the day.