Leaving one country where you have been teaching and preparing to go to another is chaotic and emotional. Things that need to be done before you leave a country:
- Banking and last pay
- Police clearance which needs translated to wherever you are going then notarized and legalized
- Work visa cancelled and one month visa given instead
- Shipping some of your things before you go
- Spending or selling much of your cash from the local bank to travel with less
- Many dinners and brunches to celebrate all the friendships. The most fun and heartbreaking part.
- Making sure that people coming to fill your role have everything they need to take over (that includes the department head position i had as well as the sunshine committee, etc)
- Meetings with the next school with email and online resources and tools
I should have been posting all along but I was very busy to pack and decide what goes and what i give away among other things. So this post will be more of a dump of photos with some explanation of the people here. Unfortunately I don’t have all of the pictures as sometimes we forgot to take them!
I’ve had a fair amount of tears. You make some great friendships when you are abroad and lean on each other often. It is difficult to say goodbye but we really like to say “see you down the road.”

thought it was hysterical!

are still great get togethers!

Of course I’m going to miss quite a few people namely my department and Anne who will be taking over as department head and breaking in a whole new group of teachers. She is amazing and of course I didn’t get pictures of the last afternoon together!

to start the day!

Vincent gave me a Chinese calligraphy saying that he painted: To leap with enthusiasm.

Remember it’s not goodbye, it’s see you later! And you will meet up with many of those folks again. I have been back from teaching overseas for 28 years and am still connected to so many friends – mostly due to social media but we get together f2f as well! They will be the only people you can share your stories with!
Add the ones who only truly understand! Have a great summer!
Thanks for sharing your experience. We look forward to following the next chapter. The picture from your pool is gorgeous. It looks like you had some very nice weather as well. Good luck on the next venture. I hope your time in the states, this summer is a wonderful opportunity for you to revisit your kids and friends you haven’t had a chance to spend time with. See you soon
Best wishes for your new venture! Hope it’s all you want it to be