I was home at the beginning of 2022 but it had been a crazy time in China since. A lot of time with family and not many pictures…. Just absorbing the time with them!

I settled into spending time with family and just relaxing a bit. Hard to believe that it had been 40 years since I graduated high school. The reunion was great and such a good attendance!

I stopped to look at my old house and talk with teachers I worked with in Punxsutawney. So good to see them!

Small Town living in Worthington means parades and carnivals….

Christmas in July movies with my SIL (and sushi)…


I visited Candy and David in Atlanta. Always good to talk about lots of stuff with them and see how retirement is treating them!

Most of time was didn’t taking care of banking, retirement, and everything else. Not too informative but memories of being with my loved ones I’ll remember. And on to Montana.