The voice interrupted my concentration in taking a picture of the Missoula courthouse from across the street. I was trying to take it without passing cars in the picture and was too lazy to cross the street.

In his defense, I guess many people are coming to Montana because of the popular TV series. I have actually watched Yellowstone but didn’t think it would have been shot in Missoula. Afterwards, I found that it is the courthouse they used. Interesting. I just like architecture and take pictures of cool buildings I see in my travels.

It was a quick trip as Rebecca and my now son-in-law Ryan are selling into new jobs but have not moved into their new apartment yet. I am also fitting this trip between my own scheduled life. Mostly we spent time together and toured Missoula which is such a cool small city. It really is beautiful.

Kayaking on Flathead Lake was beautiful and gave me the opportunity to chill and practice taking pictures with my new phone.

Becca and I also went on a road trip along route 12 which is the Lewis and Clark trail. So beautiful.

On one of the rest stops they had a trail that went to one of the sites where Lewis and Clark stopped on their travel West.

On future longer trips, I can’t wait to go to Glacier National Park and Yellowstone. Montana is very beautiful. I had a great time with Becca and Ryan before I go to Ecuador in August.