The Thelma Sunni and Louise road trip this year was to Nashville. We stopped in Glasgow, Kentucky to see relatives of Sunni and then headed to Nashville the next morning.
The first stop was at Cooters Nashville. It is a museum to the Dukes of Hazzard, a TV series from the 1970’s. Fun! The General Lee was parked out front.

Our hotel was close to Broadway where all the honky tonks are found.

One of the favorite places for sunni to eat was Margaritaville.

One of our favorites was the John Bon Jovi bar where there was a constant stream of amateur musicians playing.

The Johnny Cash museum was really good. My family listened to his music when I was growing up. So many memories and it even included remembrances of all the people he toured with and were part of his production team. Even June Carter’s family was honored.

Of course we had to stop at Coyote Ugly. The bar famous for the movie.

The night pontoon boat ride was really fun. Lots of games and people to talk to.

Other pictures from around Nashville.

One morning I went to the Tennessee State House. It is beautiful inside.

It was a great road trip!