I went to Cuenca for another trip. Such a beautiful city here in Ecuador. Quiet and safe. Washing around there are many beautiful buildings and views.

I also wanted to find Christmas decorations.

This time in Cuenca I visited a few museums. One was devoted to fiber arts here in South America. Beautiful works made of fibers.

We took a half day tour to some of the areas in Cajas national park.

On the way back to Cuenca we asked the driver to put on the party lights (we were in a bus that also is used as a party bus). Of course we had a dance party on the bus. Pretty fun.

I also visited the municipal museum of Cuenca.

Other views of Cuenca.

The Pumapungo museum is an area with Incan ruins, artifacts, and a refuge for birds.

This place looks VERY cool. Your pictures are getting more and more artistic, too!