With flights delayed, my time in the US was extended another 5 weeks. This caused a bit of anxiety as I have cats in China and am now teaching online synchronously. That means teaching at 7 pm EST and sometimes going until after 3 am. I have great people back in my school helping and often have a break where I can get a nap.
My beautiful cats being taken care of by students who live in my building in Guangzhou.One of my classes. I asked them to come near the smart TV so we can take a selfie. I miss them so. Seeing them brings me great joy.
I was able to spend more time with Ryan and my brother Ken and sis (SIL). I am grateful for that. It has been some time since I have been back.
Hiking with Ryan on the Rachel Carson trail. Before that I stopped at the Spring Thaw race to say goodbye to my friend Michele. I wanted to run it but I was tired of the cold and I would not be able to do the hike if I had. The hills here are too intense and now at 57 I need to make choices.
The ice crystals are beautiful. We would do to admire them.Ryan is an amazing cook. Noodle soup with perfect 6 minute egg, bok choy, tofu, cabbage, and pickled jalapeno. My brother and nephew Kevin came down to eat lunch with Ryan and I at my favorite place there Double wide grill on East Carson in Pittsburgh.
Sunni and I traveled to Pittsburgh to go to Phipps Conservatory. We were looking for the butterflies but we are a few months too early. The gardens here are beautiful. The following is a picture dump, but the orchards, bonsai garden, fern garden, and tropical garden are amazing. Smelling the foliage and seeing the great plants always makes me feel lighter. Spending that time with family is priceless.
(This post was to have been published a month ago, but multiple flight cancellations postponed that with no idea when my actual flight to China will actually be.)
It is good to actually see sky with only a few tall buildings around as Pittsburgh is a much smaller city than Guangzhou. I had envisioned that I would go to the theater, watch a movie with family, go to dinners but the COVID reality made me think twice. I am being overly cautious as the numbers of cases are much larger than this time in 2020. Even though the new omicron variant is milder, the predominant variant Delta is the concern. And most importantly, being exposed means that the antibodies would prevent me from going back to China. Sometimes it is just better to spend time with one another.
It was nice to take it easy and just hang out with family. I spent weekends with Ryan. It was refreshing to run around the riverfront. These pictures are from Herr’s island. The cute squirrel moved closer as I stood taking pictures of both him and the cardinal.
Ryan is a great cook. The breakfast scramble was delicious.
He makes great food no matter the ingredients.
I spent some time shopping. It is difficult to find my size shoe in China so finding running shoes and a good everyday shoe is a must. Also on my list are more running clothes and other pieces I find to take back. Lastly, I needed to get shelf stable food to take into quarantine. Packets of tuna fish, nuts, and oatmeal. Oh, and coffee.
We also walked, looked at possible other apartments for Ryan, and traveled together to Worthington to spend new years with my brother and sister-in-law, Ken and Sunni. I prepared to be ready to leave on January 21.
After learning that I needed to go to LA 7 days before flying to China for tests and health monitoring, I went to Pittsburgh a day earlier to spend more time with Ryan. First on the list was to make sure I had everything set for LA and then too repack for Wisconsin and to go back to GZ as I threw everything together at the last minute. The next morning I made sure I had the items for Wisconsin and reorganized the bags for Guangzhou. After coming back from WI, I prepared to leave for LA the next day….. Or so I thought….
The next day I found out that my flight is cancelled as well as the replacement flight and the next flight is now March 7th. Because of the Olympics in Beijing, almost all flights from the US were cancelled. It is nice to be with family but difficult to move around from place to place and live out of a suitcase. I made plans to split more time with family, start preparing online lessons, and run/hike to stay busy.
I took a long walk along trails by the river to meet Ryan when he was finished with work. It was a cold day but a really nice walk around the city.
Point state park is located where the rivers converge in Pittsburgh: the Allegheny, Monongahela, and the Ohio river.
I love the facade of this old building and hope they keep it’s look and character.
I have been in this restaurant many years ago.
More pictures from a run after much snow and very freezing temperatures.
I also walked to the Strip to buy Asian products to make dinner.
Since Ryan and Ky moved get I have liked this area of Pittsburgh for the architecture.
From Wikipedia :
TheMexican War Streets, originally known as the “Buena Vista Tract”, is a historic district in theCentral Northsideneighborhood ofPittsburgh,Pennsylvania, in the United States. The district is densely filled with restoredrow houses, community gardens, and tree-lined streets and alleyways. The area dates to around the time of theMexican–American War. The 27-acre (11 ha) district was listed on theNational Register of Historic Placesin 1975 with 119 buildings deemed to contribute to the historic character of the district. In 2008, the district’s listing was increased to include an additional 288 contributing buildings over a 25.7-acre (10.4 ha) area.
I love waking around the mostly brick lined roads with great architecture.
This building is set to be demolished. Such a shame as it has some really great elements.
The Mattress Factory.
Would love to see the inside of this house.
This is a beautiful building.
Walling around downtown:
Eating cheese plates made by my talented son.
Tomorrow I’ll try to run the streets. Hopefully without tripping…