The Plant Market

A few weeks ago I went to the plant market with one of the seasoned teachers. It is easy to find someone who will help you here when you are looking for something. You pass on your information. Since I had never taken long metro rides this was something I also wanted to do. This is a big place and any tips for getting around is great.

On the way to the market we saw a fruit stall that had fresh coconut. They crack open the top so you can drink (I took it home to scrape out the coconut later).


There is a market for everything here. The plant market is huge and took hours to only look at a small amount of it. I went with three others and we were each looking for something specific. For me, I wanted a few succulents for my apartment but also wanted to grow leafy vegetables. I looked around for some time and found the places I wanted to buy from then set out to get those items at the last minute as they were pretty heavy.

Here are the succulents and planter I bought:


It seemed that we would not be getting on the metro with everything as it all had to go through an xray before we could enter so we called a DIDI (like Uber here). We manage to fill the trunk and also fit the tree that one person bought in the back seat with us. That person in the front seat bought some of the most beautiful orchids I have seen.


My plants are starting to grow. I am not sure exactly what I planted but have seen these greens at the wet market and eventually will translate the packages (though translations are never exact).

I have a second planter and those are taking a little longer to come up. As a capricorn, we love to dig our hands in dirt!