Sheung Wan street art

A great suggestion (thanks Daniel!) was to visit Sheung Wan in the north west part of Hong Kong island. We took an uber from Wan Chai to there. It was fun to wander around the streets with Ryan and Becca looking for the street art. Many little cafes, bakeries, and eateries. We also stumbled upon antiques. This is one of the coolest and most creative areas of Hong Kong. It is also the place I week most likely stay the next time I travel to Hong Kong.

Here are some of the great street art we found. I know we missed some as we arrive in and out the streets and alleys.

Haha… Hipster…

We found a great Cafe that was vegetarian with gluten free options. Better yet they are sustainable, compost, and are environmentally and socially conscious. Their burgers were great.

There were other noteworthy graffiti…

And the day is not complete without talking about the wild Street food.

Lobster balls
