Friday night hot pot

There is a restaurant along our running route we have been wanting to try. Nicole and I finally stopped to try it.

After some translating app use, we ordered the broth for the hot pot. I am certain it is not vegetarian but good nonetheless. I’m not worried about broth.

The heating is in the center of the table.

The food choices were fabulous. A lot to choose from.

Veggies, mushroom, tofu…

Assorted meats. You grab skewers of mear or trays of seafood along the bottom to take back to the table.

They count everything up in the end.

You start adding your pieces to the hot pot as you go.

The dish in the lower left on the above picture is additional items to flavor your broth you put in your bowl. Garlic, chilies, sauces…

Fun and yummy. Items to add are at the end of the table and you add to the broth as you go.

I know there is bit out on other places of the world but this was really fun. When we would run by we would always smell curry. Turns out it is probably not coming from this restaurant. More exploring to do!