Food and sushi adventure in Tokyo

I haven’t chronicled all my food as I sometimes skip meals when traveling or just forget.

Yesterday I ate at Ueno Park because it is much like a holiday here with the cherry blossoms. There were food vendors though what I did buy you can get other places.

The first is squid balls (balls of dough with squid inside) which I have had before. This is called Takoyaki and had extra items on top. Really good.

Other vendors had food I would like to try but could not try them all. I would like the sticky rice cakes as sticky rice is my favorite. On a side note, eating sticky rice keeps you full longer than regular grain rice.

I passed this stand and had to try it. It is Okonomiyaki. Yaki by the way means grilled or cooked. This is a pancake batter topped with cabbage, shrimp, dried squid, red ginger, and seaweed all mixed then they flip it to cook the other side. It was yummy. I forgot to take a picture of the serving once I started eating it!

For dinner, Sarah and I went out for sushi at Kura Sushi near her house. This is a chain restaurant. They have green tea powder and a hot water spigot to make your own tea at the table.

When chefs make a person’s order they make a few extra and send them out on a conveyor belt. If you want it, you grab it. Each plate is 100 yen.

Check out the video.

Because each plate is 100, if something is double it comes with two plates under it. They count the plates when you slide them into the bin at your table. Every 5 plates, and a “wheel” spins on the monitor. If you win you get an arcade prize like the type you would put quarters in at a store.

I also ordered eel liver. It was okay and hard to describe.

You order on the touch screen and then the conveyor belt brings it out to your table. You can keep ordering one item or many at a time throughout your dinner.

In the end you pay based upon the number of plates you have.

I did not have a chance to get one (bottom row) of these yet, but it is some kind of cake with chestnut frosting. I pass it at the local train station every day and will most likely get one today as I have stared at them day after day.