Nanwan Monkey Island and Daidai Island

This is actually one island but two different parts. Advice on the internet (and if which I agree) is to go early and arrive sometime close to 8 to avoid the crowds.

In trying to buy tickets (they wanted me to purchase from the app but you need a Chinese ID to do that) a person nearby who spoke English helped. She was so helpful. Nikki mentioned her friend told her to go to Daidai Island first. I decided to follow them and her family was very sweet. She has twin daughters and her parents were lovely. They invited me to Chongqing and Chengdu! It was nice to meet sometime new and share experiences.

Take the ferry across to the island.

Entrance to Daidai from the ferry.

Then you board s shuttle bus to go to the beach. Most of this part is photo props but there is a beautiful beach, diving, and places to relax. In fact Daidai means to stay and rest awhile. In a translate app from the person I bought tickets it translated as dumb. It seems we don’t have a literal translation for that.

The longest cable car in Asia takes you from Nanwan back across.
A pink VW wagon.
Lots of places to relax. Nikki’s family (mother and daughters) having a snack.
I love this. Nikki’s dad taking her picture.
Butterflies everywhere.
So serene and peaceful.

From Daidai you take the shuttle bus past the ferry to the entrance of Nanwan monkey island. This avoids a lot of crowds.

Many come to the part at the entrance where you can purchase food to feed them. They are a sight jumping around and waiting for someone with a plastic bag to steal from!

Many of the monkeys come and go but they know eventually there will be food.

I was not interested in the shows as the Macaque monkeys are not well treated. I snapped this picture and decided to walk around and find them enjoying freedom in the trees. I left Nikki and get family there but could not find them later. We are keeping in touch on WeChat!

Those in the show so not look happy about their captivity.

Where the circus is held the monkeys seemed to like playing as no one was around.

At various places through the park..

Hide and seek. Do you see the mom and baby?

The swimming hole is a popular place for them to congregate, swim, or grab a drink.

At a pavilion people would get in the structure and monkeys would jump around on the outside. I’m not sure what that was about but I didn’t stay to find out.

After waking around awhile I headed back to the cable car. This is the longest cable car in Asia. It goes over the Danjia Fish farm. This is a village where no one owns land. They live on a mass of floating houses and fish farms and make their money from the sea. Since there life is so unpredictable and fragile they are called Danjia which means “egg people” as their lives are fragile like eggs.