Dongshankou art cycling tour

Cycle Canton also had another tour last weekend. Fei Gallery was created when a land developer had to put in a parking space but resented it. So he used half of the space for an art gallery and also a permanent installation. Outside the building a three sided surround was built with windows taken from old Hutong houses torn down from up north. He also collected artifacts to put in the windows. The locals pointed out that in the South they use different household items so he asked them to donate representative items.

I made a quick video walking around. I thought you could see through to the other side but there is indeed a mirror inside the windows.

Looking down from the second floor you can see PVC tubes that allowed you to see to the other side of the window wall where a wet market used to be.

Inside the building is art displays and a cafe.

A diorama made inside of an old TV.

We then cycled through the streets of Dongshankou. This is a very old part of the city with many beautiful buildings of mostly colonial style as foreigners chose to live here and build missionaries and schools.

The Triple Rooster is an art gallery and a cafe. I chose to drink coconut coffee which had large blocks and shavings of fresh coconut in the coffee.

Mao Tse-tung lived up here in the second floor of this building.

The Baptist church is also found here and which is unchanged from when it was built. It also has a balcony inside facing the pulpit for members or a choir. It is still currently in use today.

More images of riding around Dongshankou.

We ended at Kui Yuan gallery that is next door to where the Communist party headquarters was founded. There was some great art by Guangzhou artists. The floors are original and show the tile work of the day.

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