Warning. A bit of rambling about the last two weeks leading up to Chinese new Year!
This year for Chinese New Year we were advised not to go anywhere. We can’t leave China and there are a few imported cases and always a concern that all it takes is one to start another outbreak (though China’s policy about testing and quarantining to be sure means that areas are downgraded quickly in 3 to 4 weeks.) I am glad I went to Harbin at Christmas as it was shut down due to a few cases.
Last Chinese New Year I went to New Zealand and did not come back for 9 weeks. It was epic in terms of seeing sights but a bit nerve wracking not being sure where the world is headed. Fast forward to this year and I am glad to have been able to travel China last year, but not going anywhere right now was a bit unsettling. I looked at it as a time to spend with friends and relax a bit (except for chiropractor appointments).
Chinese New Year is hallmarked with families deep cleaning their houses and removing excess. This allows for the old to leave and allow the new in. I used some of the time to clean and organize my belongings as well. The cats did not like their deep clean, but that was necessary too! I came across a 2020 ornament I was given on the 1st of last year when I entered Greece. I thought maybe it should be destroyed given the year that we had, but would make a good ornament to remember that year.

This year is the year of the OX: The Ox is the second of all zodiac animals. According to one myth, the Jade Emperor said the order would be decided by the order in which they arrived to his party. The Ox was about to be the first to arrive, but Rat tricked Ox into giving him a ride. Then, just as they arrived, Rat jumped down and landed ahead of Ox. Thus, Ox became the second animal. (The pig is the last animal as it had to stop and eat along the way!) Ox are know to be hardworking and honest.
In the weeks before Chinese New Year, many decorations could be seen going up around the city.
Okay, not a decoration, but where else do you see a chicken in a box sitting at a bus stop? I am certain it was someones dinner that night!

Chinese lanterns in the tree near the train station.

Over Chinese New Year, my Google phone stopped working correctly. That made it impossible to do anything as getting rides, ordering food, paying for groceries use the phone. Compounded to that is the code used to track whether you have been to a place with covid cases. Without the phone it is inaccessible. During Chinese New Year, many places close as it is like our Christmas to new Years. Jack was able to take me to a Xiaomi store to get a Mi 10. It has taken awhile to get my apps loaded and things working (let alone recovering everything from my old phone (without a Google phone and all the great apps and backups that would be impossible).
In the mall, a Tim Horton’s opened up, so we stopped for some coffee.

Over Chinese New Year was Valentine’s Day. Jack gave me some Moutai, which is a kind of baijiu (a grain alcohol that is pretty strong). Each type os different and Moutai is aged longer and the most expensive that you can buy here.

I also was able to get together with my friend Lily and her son Edward. (and Killian). I haven’t seen her in 6 months as our schedule always conflicted. It was great to meet for Dim Sum and share some banana bread I made for a party a few days before.

This is a new statue from a famous sculptor in Guangzhou of robust ladies in a variety of athletic pursuits. It shows beauty in everyday life and freedom and enchantment in their figures. It flies in the face of portrayal of chubby women and that is the purpose.

A sculpture of an ox.

At the start of Chinese New Year, I went to Haizhu park to meet people for some live music. It was part of a cultural event where they carved olive pits, learned other crafts, then stayed overnight in a hostel that focused on books and coming together. i did not get to participate in the other events due to an appointment and work the next day. It was good to visit this amazing place and hear music with friends. The rooms are tucked in among the books.

The decorations in Haizhu park where beautiful. I had been there during the day, but not at night.

I also was able to visit the pig cafe. A cafe full of potbelly pigs! What heaven. Instead of buying a drink and food for me to enter, your purchase food for the pigs. Each bowl of food after is much cheaper and it was fun to feed all the piggies!

At school we usually have a lion dance and other festivities, but many of these have been cancelled to stop large public gatherings. Our Chinese department worked with students to put on a fascinating show for the school. All students wore masks during the assembly and it was great to see the singing and dancing. The students who performed the fan dance were wonderful as well as those who were acting out scenes from Mulan.
At the end of the last day before vacation, our school held a get together on the rooftop of the new building. Wine, beer, snacks, subs, smores, and karaoke made for a very fun night! I work at an unbelievable and supportive school!