The happiest place on Earth

Disney. More specifically, Shanghai Disney.

I went to visit my friend Cat and her son Rowan in Shanghai. I debated going knowing that the cases they just had of covid had been cleared. In fact China had 900 cases pop up over the whole country and within a month had them down to no new cases. As stringent as it is, the extensive contract tracing, quarantine of those in high risk areas, and massive testing works. Now if more were vaccinated, we might not have to do this quite so much….

So on Thanksgiving day we had a full day of professional development followed by a Thanksgiving dinner and celebration and I left directly to the airport for my flight. I arrived late and the next morning we were going to Disney.

There is even a toy story hotel.

What is funny about this Disney is that there are more adults than children and the adults are dressed up in Disney attire.

Main street.

The 5th anniversary of Disney Shanghai.

Some interesting sculptures in the park. It had been a long time since I’ve been to Disney.

The soaring over the horizon ride was pretty amazing. It was as if you are parasailing over the areas but you can actually smell what it would be. The African savannah smelled of earth, India had a rose petal smell, the smell of the ocean, spray of water…..

Pirates of the Caribbean was also great. It was weird hearing the characters speak Chinese.

Who could resist a chestnut waffle. Yum.

Tron was a pretty amazing ride. You were on these bikes and the ride not only was inside but out as well.

After eating the waffle we were actually too full. We don’t usually find good waffles here in China so that is a once in awhile treat. We walked around Alice’s garden to work it off.

The lake.

Then it was off to marvel studios.

I took my mask off for a minute to take this picture. I was told to get the mask back on…

And there is this picture with the wasp… Socially distanced of course… So I can take off my mask.

We picked up cheesecake from the cheesecake factory and after getting back to my friends house received word that another friend who was visiting Shanghai could not leave to go back to Guangzhou without a negative covid test. It turned out this morning there are three cases in Shanghai over 45 minutes away from where I am staying. Within hours 182 close cases to the 3 friends are in quarantine, the buildings are locked down, and 55,278 people were tested. I went and received a covid test as I cannot fly back without one ( many people from my school are here). I’m going to try to get an earlier flight. Once back home I will have to report to the community health office and whatever other requirements they ask for I will have to do. As I was not in one of the areas I should only have to take 2 more covid tests in 72 hours after returning… I hope that is all. My district is strict…..

2 thoughts on “The happiest place on Earth”

    1. The test before flying was and the test when I arrived at the airport was, but I still need three more over the next 13 days. If you don’t they change your code a certain color which means you cannot go anywhere!

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