Traveling in the age of covid

I had not posted about the process of having traveled to a medium or high risk area here in China. The last time I was actually quarantined for 3 days and was anxious about this time. This is what happens in China. I must note that high risk area might only have a dozen cases and they quickly lock Dien anxious buildings and test all the contacts of those people. All of this takes the numbers down quickly.

I not only had the covid test to get on the plane in Shanghai, but everyone had one when they came off the plane. They are really organized and streamlined. The process only took 45 minutes. They made sure by taking us by bus so that people did not walk through the airport and mingle before getting the test. Once back home you must contact your community health office. I messaged mine through the WeChat app (they are used to dealing with me….). I must have 3 more tests in the next 13 days. I have documents that get the tests for free but must be completed at a specific center. I can go to work but asked to limit my gatherings with people. At issue will be the Christmas party which is on my 13th day. I may not be allowed to go (and this time many more people from school also traveled to Shanghai). If you miss tests, they will change your code to restrict your movement.

The process: They had an organized line from baggage which gave time to register or open the app. This gives a qr code tied to your phone number and passport. This way it shows on your health code and is tracked if anyone on the plane shows positive test result.

This is the qr code for the app. A worker scans the code then scans the bar code of the test vial.

Multiple stations are used for rapid throat swabs. Then you are free to go. You have to contact the local health officer in your neighborhood or you will be tracked down.

This is the suikang health code that keeps all testing and vaccination records. I show this code every day to go to school and to enter my apartment building. You also show it when you enter any commercial or government building. It can be turned yellow or red if you do not get the tests or was in a high risk area. You cannot enter buildings if that happens or may be quarantined.

In the suikang code you can click to see the Nucleic acid test results. They all show here and is pretty handy so you don’t have to go back and get the result on paper. The first one is my test at the airport and was completed in 5 hours.

This is another app that shows where you have been. There is a little asterisk that shows I was in an area with cases. It will go away after 14 days and then will only show being in Guangzhou. But until then I may not be allowed in some places. Places with high volume will look at this app and not the other one.

This is what a red code looks like. You would be quarantined in your apartment or a quarantine facility and not able to go anywhere. I have obviously been quarantined from travel. Thankfully not this last one.