Leshan buddha

The Leshan Giant Buddha is 71-meters tall. It is a stone statue, built between 713 and 803 AD. It is carved out of the cliff face of red sandstones found at the confluence of the Min River and Dadu River in the southern Sichuan province.

The entrance is beautiful.
After climbing 36 steps you are at the top of the buddha head. It is suggested to not look back as you climb, only look forward.
You can see the Buddha’s head on three sides before going down to the feet and back up again.
The back side of the buddha head shows the detail of the hair. It is designed so that Easter runs off the back or side of the head and not in the face.
You can see on the left side the zig zag stairs going from the head to the feet. On the upper right is okay of the path to return to the top
After descending all the stairs, you can see the buddha but the light was not the best. We will be seeing it by boat as well. Check out the toenails!
The pagoda at the top of the hill along the way to leaving the park.
You can pay to burn a candle for prayer at the Temple.
Back of the Temple.
The Buddha’s taken from the top deck of a boat.
Some of the Buddha’s were destroyed during the cultural revolution.
In the bottom right is the tail of a dragon and right below the sun rays is the head of the dragon with water pouring out of its mouth. He is curled inside of the mountain.
Symbol for happiness.
Dragon fountain.
Dancers at the entrance