Night tour, Manuel Antonio

The night tour was pretty fun, looking for things that want to hide and even some that are poisonous if disturbed.

Cats eye snake. Not poisonous and waiting for a pretty to cross his path.
This is really how small he is. He is at the junction of three Middle Branch with the trunk.
This is a tailless whip scorpion, an arachnid and his fourth pair of legs is actually antennae.
A tropical crab that monkeys love to find for food.
This tree has many dart like spines.
Indigenous people would dip the end in the secretion from the poisonous dart frog to poison prey by shooting the darts through bamboo straws.
A tiny toad.
A scorpion that fluoresces under our flashlights.
This Fer DeLance snake is poisonous. He really did not want anything to do with us but was alert in case he needed to protect himself. Most notes from this snake are accidental when someone stepped near him.
As big as my hand!
This spider is poisonous and many bites are accidental. It is known as a banana or a type of wandering spider.
A smooth helmeted iguana which is a mock chameleon. So tiny.

I loved the night tour. I have been wanting to do it for some time in different places. Of course it is better with a guide as they see things that we can’t. They also know what to look for. Other than a tarantula, nothing was on the path we were walking but often it is the poisonous snake that is there!