Weird days of late in Quito

During school in January, reports came out about curfews and other changes to crack down on notorious drug gangs and problems in the prisons as most were under the control of the inmates. It was mostly due to one of the biggest drug lords having also escaped.

At first, we were not sure what to believe as there were many fake news stories just to create further panic. But we went home, stocked up on food (not like the US where everyone is buying toilet paper) and we prepared to go to online learning. Originally it was for 3 days but ended up being two weeks.

We are still under a curfew of midnight until 5 am which is fine for me. I am hardly out late as it is. Many of the cities near the coast do have a problem with crime and prison control but in Quito not as much to worry about. They have regained control of many prisons and also conducted raids that extended into other countries. The latest is a dual operation in Ecuador and Spain that uncovered illegal activity involving criminal organizations from multiple other countries. Much information had actually not been reported so as to not tip off those criminal organizations.

Regardless, I did not venture out for much of the first week except to get food. After that, I did some walks around the neighborhood and a few other things:

The hardest part was not riding bikes for the first two weekends until they allowed the bike riding route (ciclo paseo) to resume.
We have a few people in our apartment building and we met on the roof to enjoy yoga and get fresh air.
A walk in the neighborhood Park close to my house
We walked through the little village that is part of the park. Very tranquil and a beautiful day.
Though I did not take pictures, there was a good police presence in the park where they also use horses.
In the park, the native villagers had their llamas out!
Afterwards we ate at a little cafe in the neighborhood. Everything is made with plantains. On the left is cups made of plantains and filled with shrimp. On the right is the Bolon Verde with peanuts. So delicious.
On a bike ride I saw a person milking their goat
and selling the milk fresh on the street.
I missed that picture but saw another person
not far from there with their goats.
Of course a favorite is watching street performers at intersections. This one had enough time to set up a low tightrope and walk while juggling across it.
I took another tour in Old Town just to get out.
And eventually joined a book club with others from school. Great to get together even for a short time.
Lunch with friends including a new one. Loved meeting Kim and talking about common countries and realizing people that we know in common.

Life feels pretty normal except for curfew, but it has changed whether I will need traveling some areas anytime soon.